Why do some people identify as transgender?

Transgender issue is the hottest topic in lgbt issues. In America, policies from the conservative lawmakers are prohibit transgender people from using bathroom in public places. Some officials also claim that this is necessary to ensure the public safety of ordinary people. While there is no evidence show that letting transgender people enter into public bathroom casused any social problems. The key of these issues is the lack of understanding on transgender people and their gender identities. Now, the issue of transgender people is also the forefron topic in the US. Stories of many influential transgender people have drawn great attentions of the outside world. The life and living environment are start to be concerned by more and more people. This is a great change for all transgender people. While, most people still lack of understanding on transgender people and ts dating community. On the other hand, there are more and more gender identity issues that are out of the understanding of ordinary people. What's the meaning of being trans? What makes them have different gender identities? How about the life of transgender people? All these problems are unsolved.

Why do some people identify as transgender?

Transgender people don't identify their gender as the one they were born with. For example, some people were born as male, while they are unconfortble with the gender, and they want to be as a female. Some transgender people have a different gender identity at a very young age, so they dress and act as the opposite gender when they are young. Being transgender mean they choose a different way of life. Some transgender people choose to undergo transition surgery to change their body features, by this way, they can be the opposite gender completely. To understand why do some people identify as transgender, you should know the difference between different gender identity at first. Gender identity means someone's identification as male, female, and more. Gender expression means behaviors of a person. Some people act  masculine, some act feminine, while there are also some people act a mix of both, or neither. In fact, gender expression is the result of gender identity. If someone identify as male, he would act more masculine. If someone identity as female, she would act more feminine.

In reality, the most majority of people are cisgender, they identity as the gender they were assigned at birth, most importantly, they are agree wit the gender they were assigned at birth. For cisgender people, it can e difficult to understand why there are some people identity as ts date partner, why they are not agree with the gender they were assigned with? It is not east to avoid misunderstanding on transgender people, because most people don;t really know about transgender people. Due to people's different and incorrect understanding on gender identity and gender expressions, transgender people are often seen as a special and strange community. In fact, they are the same as everyone of us, they need to be understood by everyone of us.