Several tips to make your first online dating less awkward

As far as dating concerns, online dating might be the most awkward way. After all, you meet some total strangers on hookup apps with the strong and clear purpose of dating or having one night hookup. But there is no big deal in meeting the person you know on dating apps, because everyone is doing it these days. Here are several tips for you if you are going to meet your online friend.

Admit the way you meet each other. There is no point in ignoring the fact that you meet each other on online dating or hookup apps. So do not avoid this topic. Instead, talk about it bravely. Make a joke about the experience you had online or make a few comments on his/her profile pic. You can definitely break the ice.

Choose a proper place. This is something you should plan beforehand. A good or bad dating location can decide whether the experience is good or bad. Therefore, try to choose a not-so-quite place, otherwise the awkwardness and silence will be amplified. On the other hand, also avoid crowded and too noisy places, because you won’t be able to talk like normal. Most important of all, make sure you are not going to run into your exes. It can be embarrassing. What is more, watching movie with your date can also be awkward, while having a few drinks at the bar might be a better choice to get to know each other.

Turn off your phone. Although your phone is the main reason for you encounter, it shouldn’t be your focus on your first date. Of course, neither should you text your next date while you are with your current date. If you are found checking your cell phone every 10 minutes, both of you is not going to have a very good time.

Do not bring up your exes. This is the first time of you meeting each other, right? You have so many to talk about, so there is no need to bring up your exes and tell your partner what an asshole he is or share with him/her your past dating experience with persons you meet on tinder hookup apps. Just think it in another way, if your partner bring up his/her exes, would you be pleased? You might be in a hurry to change the subject, right?

DO not drink too much. I know I just said drinking in a bar might be a better choice if you are going on your first date, but that does not mean you should drink as your wish. I know you are stressed out to meet this person whom you never see before. You can have a few drinks to boost your confidence and ease you up, but if you find yourself getting very close to lose conscious, stop immediately. Move your date to another place for fresh air.